
How Did You Get Here?

You got here because you want change. Something about your life isn’t working. Maybe you feel stuck because your brain isn’t functioning well. Or you feel emotionally overwhelmed by past traumas and current triggers. You might feel like your body is holding on to extreme anxiety, causing panic, sleeplessness, and the inability to calm down. The processes I offer will facilitate deep and lasting change for you. I utilize a variety of modalities, and you can hand-pick which ones work for your situation.

Poor Brain Function and Feeling Stuck?

LENS neurofeedback might be the best option for you. While the FDA-approved system is helpful for a variety of emotional ailments as well, it greatly facilitates healthier brain states. LENS increases the ability for the brain to form new neural pathways, which enhances productivity and overall functioning of the prefrontal cortex. It is possible that with the help of LENS treatments, brain frequencies can become faster, which can be experienced as more precise decision-making, and expediency of thought. Focus improves, and with it there is an efficiency that brings greater ease to your life.

Why hack your brain with traditional neurofeedback, when you can heal your brain with LENS?

Past Traumas Holding You Back?

EMDR might be the right choice. It is a highly effective therapeutic process that works by releasing old trauma from the limbic system through to the prefrontal cortex, where it can be properly stored in the long-term memory. When old traumas have not been fully resolved, we experience present day triggers as catastrophic, when perhaps they are not.Metaphorically, it is like having too many apps running on our phone, which drain the battery. Old traumatic memories are like that, muddying our energy in our subconscious without our awareness of just how destructive they can be to our present. EMDR is an empirically researched process that can bring trauma to full resolution. The brain and body can finally rest with greater adaptability and receptivity to our current life.

Anxiety in the Body Wreaking Havoc?

The patented Somatic Experiencing process created by Dr. Peter Levine is known as one of the best ways to access healing through a mind-body approach. He speaks about how when an animal experiences a traumatic event, they literally shake it off, releasing it from their body, and move on. If only humans could access the ability to heal their body by releasing the “issues in the tissues,” without the mind getting in the way. The tools I’m learning in the Somatic Experiencing work will enable you to have more direct access to your body’s pain, and equally to its healing power.

The Synergy of All Three Modalities

These approaches work incredibly well together to create optimal transformation. LENS assists the brain and body to let go, EMDR facilitates deep release from the limbic system, while Somatic Psychotherapy helps the full integration of body and mind for greater healing. All are at your disposal should you choose to work with me, but any one singular method can be utilized to your preference as well.

Heidi Landgraf is prepared to assist you to breakthrough.

Heidi Landgraf has worked with the mind-body connection for over 20 years. She has an MA in Counseling Psychology, and has additionally trained in Movement-Based Expressive Arts Therapy with Anna and Daria Halprin, Iyengar and Anusara Yoga with Maritza, and Vipassana Meditation with Ruth Denison. She is an EMDRIA approved EMDR therapist. She has also trained in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) with Linehan approved instructors and has over a decade of experience in varied hospital settings teaching psychoeducational groups, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), DBT, Motivational Interviewing, and Solution Focused Therapy. She has completed the trainings in Compassion Cultivation at Stanford University, as well as the full suite of trainings offered by OchsLabs in the administration of FDA approved LENS Neurofeedback. She finds that working with these myriad approaches, hand-tailored to your specific situation, can greatly improve issues with anxiety, depression, ADHD, sleep disorders, PTSD, and more. Her greatest joy has been helping people achieve resiliency and meet their personal goals.

I want to hear from you!

I look forward to sharing all I have to offer – and can’t wait to meet you and hear your story, too.

Call (415) 450-9644 today to take your first small step to a lasting breakthrough.