It isn’t your fault – you’ve got a lot going on!

Seems like it’s been years since you’ve fallen asleep easily and slept soundly through the night.

In fact, you’ve given up on the idea that you’ll ever have deep, restorative sleep again.

You toss and turn, your mind going around in the same circles, over and over again, until it has woven itself into an impossible knot.


Sometimes our life problems feel like they are permanently stuck in that impossible knot.

It always seems like it will help to mentally obsess over them – and especially in the middle of the night.

Whether it’s about work, the massive life transition you are currently in, or how your relationship is or isn’t going, the hamster wheel in your mind is no closer to the solution at 5 am than it was at 2.

Mentally obsessing all night is actually not helpful at all.

You ‘wake up’ exhausted, already behind on your week – and it’s only Monday.

This does not bode well for the week ahead, nor does it help with your stress levels.

Something has to give.

Guess what? You don’t have to toss and turn another night.

And you don’t have to take medication to get there.

FDA-certified LENS neurofeedback has a profound effect on sleep. LENS may increase Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in the way that far more intensive treatments (like ECT or rTMS) do; however, the LENS system utilizes microcurrent, which is far less invasive than your cellphone, rendering it a safer treatment.

Increasing BDNF increases the production of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, which assists in boosting your mood, decreasing anxiety and improving concentration and focus.

This highly sophisticated tool works with your body’s physiology, disrupting the current anxious patterning and replacing it with new, deeper, more grounded, and healthier patterning.

People report results after the first treatment with amazement:

“I had the best night’s sleep that I have had in a few months last night.”

“Last night I slept eight hours straight for the first time in YEARS. Also, my resting heart rate (often a barometer of my overall stress level) seems to be coming down. Very encouraging.”

 A Winning Combination

Working to calm your body’s physiology through the use of the LENS neurofeedback tool is half of what we’ll do together.

The other half involves making sense out of the complications that are driving the anxiety through psychotherapy.

Once there is greater clarity around these issues, the right actions to take to resolve the stressors become obvious. Psychotherapy can help bring clarity and ease to your personal situation, no matter how complicated you may feel things have become over time.

Ready to surrender to the best night’s sleep you’ve had in years?

It’s time to let go of solving your impossible problems alone.

Come one step closer to unraveling that big knot in your mind.

Call (415) 450-9644 today for your free 15-minute consultation.